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Ne nézz félre / Schau nicht weg / Don't look away

Ne nézz félre / Schau nicht weg / Don't look away

Child pornography charges against Balaton landlord

Peeping at guests in an apartment complex at Balaton

2020. december 31. - Nenézzfélre

A 52-year-old man was found having been peeping at altogether 17 guests while they were using the bathroom. He was not just peeping; he also made recordings about the guests and many pornographic pictures about children were found on his computer too. The District Attorney’s Office of Kaposvár…


Ik ben een vrouw met een verstandelijke beperking

ILONA SALLAI 3 DECEMBER, 19:06, merce.hu

Mijn naam is Ilona Sallai. Ik heb een verstandelijke beperking. In dit artikel schrijf ik over de vrouwen die een verstandelijke beperking hebben, en over mijn eigen ervaringen.   Dit artikel wordt in eenvoudig Nederlands geschreven. Ondersteunende Communicatie is een methode, waarmee de…


From rape jokes to victim-blaming: representation of gender-based violence in the Hungarian media

Nóra Diószegi-Horváth, merce.hu

Where we started from Talking about the media representation of gender-based violence, we can all bring up horrifying examples. And though we might claim that the situation has improved enormously in the past decades, some memorable cases from the recent past show that we often automatically…


After the offender, even the state abuses female victims

Ágnes Benke 08. 12. 2020., merce.hu

The police, the court system, health care and even the education system may betray those abused women who, when seeking help, turn to institutions that were meant to offer protection - this was the main subject of the discussion on Monday night, broadcasted on Facebook , organized by Patent…


Cosa ci fa una bambina di cinque anni nel grembo di un maestro spirituale?

Abuso sessuale in una comunità spirituale 27 novembre 2020. Zsófi Tokai

Il tweet #MeToo di Alyssa Milano ha fatto scalpore tutto il mondo nel 2017. Al suo post quasi immediatamente ne sono seguiti migliaia con l’hashtag #MeToo e nei prossimi giorni il loro numero si è moltiplicato rapidamente. Ma lo sanno in pochi che il movimento #MeToo è stato lanciato da Tarana Burke…


What is a five year old girl doing on the lap of a spiritual teacher? Sexual abuse in a spiritual community

27 November 2020 - Zsófi Tokai, Felszabtér blog

Alissa Milano’s 2017 #MeToo tweet caused a huge uproar worldwide. Thousands answered Milano’s post with the hashtag Metoo almost instantly, and these numbers increased rapidly as the days passed. Few are aware that the #MeToo movement was originally started by Tarana Burke ten years earlier, in…


Misvattingen en feiten over partnergeweld

Misvatting: Partnergeweld is een privézaak. Feit: Partnergeweld is een maatschappelijk probleem. Iedereen heeft recht op een leven zonder geweld en de bescherming van slachtoffers is algemeen belang. Als je getuige van mishandeling bent, is je burgerplicht om melding te doen bij de politie. Als je…



The facts: Hungarian EP József Szájer (who incidentally drafted a number of homophobic and transphobic laws) was caught at a Brussels group sex party in a gay bar. Some days later, on a TV show Zsolt Bayer, organizer of the right-wing “peace marches”

Pedophilia and sex tourism are grave crimes of child abuse, which affect millions of children every year. Sex tourism is a global industry bringing billions of dollars, wherein children from Brazil, Cambodia, Thailand, Colombia and Kenya are prey to well-situated Wester customers. We would like to…


Violence conjugale — Mythes et réalités

Mythe : La violence conjugale est un problème d'ordre privé. Réalité : La violence conjugale est un problème d'ordre social. Toute personne a le droit de vivre libre de violence, et il est dans l'intérêt général de protéger les victimes. C’est notre devoir civique d’appeler la police si on est…

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