Felnőtt tartalom!

Elmúltam 18 éves, belépek Még nem vagyok 18 éves
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A belépéssel elfogadod a felnőtt tartalmakat közvetítő blogok megtekintési szabályait is.

Ne nézz félre / Schau nicht weg / Don't look away

Ne nézz félre / Schau nicht weg / Don't look away

Kiállás a gyerekbántalmazás ellen videó - Stand up against child abuse video

2020. május 31. - Nenézzfélre



Rejecting the Istanbul Convention and banning the recognition of trans people are part of the same trend

Interview with dr. Zsófia A. Szabó, activist of Prizma Transgender Community

Today the Hungarian Parliament passed a law, Article 33 of which introduces ‘birth sex’ instead of ‘gender’ in personal documents, therefore making impossible the recognition of trans people’s gender. Activist dr. Zsófia A. Szabó spoke to Humen Online about the context and the potential effects of…


The man who kept a student captive in a hovel is released on parole

The 28-year-old man who kept his girlfriend, a university student captive in a hovel and physically abused her several times was released on parole, says a press release of the Somogy County Prosecutor’s Office. The man, nicknamed the Cruel Hermit, had lived with his girlfriend in an underground…


Domestic violence does have a gender

Why is it so upsetting that Hungary has rejected the ratification of the Istanbul Convention? Júlia Spronz, lawyer of Patent Organization, explains to hvg.hu.

hvg.hu: So far Hungary had only repeatedly delayed the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, but now there is a political declaration saying that its regulations will not be incorporated into Hungarian law. Is there a practical difference between the two approaches? Spronz Júlia: No practical…



A proposed bill would make it impossible for Hungarian trans* people to legally change their gender

The Hungarian LGBT Alliance, umbrella organization of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) non-governmental organizations in Hungary, has reviewed Bill T/9934. on the modification of certain administrative regulations. Article 33 of the Bill would modify Act I/2010 by changing the term…


How the Hungarian government turned victim protection into “political hysterics”

Hungary signed the Istanbul Convention six years ago, but has still not ratified it, and now on May 5th 2020 it even passed a law rejecting its content. What are the government’s arguments for rejecting the Convention? And what would change if it wer

by Zsófia Fülöp (magyarnarancs.hu)   “The Istanbul Convention is just political hysterics.” “This is a Convention basically attacking the traditional family model, it tries to implement gender philosophy, so to speak.” “Non-ratification has political reasons, as the approach of the Convention (…)…


Bill submitted by the Hungarian Christian Democrats to reject the Istanbul Convention

They do not wish to “enter the concept of gender into national legislation”

"We do not support the ratification of the Istanbul Convention because regarding the implementation of its regulations it prescribes an approach based on the concept of gender, and the Hungarian Parliament does not wish to enter neither the concept of gender nor the gender approach of the Istanbul…

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