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Ne nézz félre / Schau nicht weg / Don't look away

Ne nézz félre / Schau nicht weg / Don't look away

The man who kept a student captive in a hovel is released on parole

2020. május 17. - Nenézzfélre

The 28-year-old man who kept his girlfriend, a university student captive in a hovel and physically abused her several times was released on parole, says a press release of the Somogy County Prosecutor’s Office. The man, nicknamed the Cruel Hermit, had lived with his girlfriend in an underground…


Domestic violence does have a gender

Why is it so upsetting that Hungary has rejected the ratification of the Istanbul Convention? Júlia Spronz, lawyer of Patent Organization, explains to hvg.hu.

hvg.hu: So far Hungary had only repeatedly delayed the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, but now there is a political declaration saying that its regulations will not be incorporated into Hungarian law. Is there a practical difference between the two approaches? Spronz Júlia: No practical…

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